Types of Ankle Sprain and How to Manage Pain During Recovery
Types of Ankle Sprain and How to Manage Pain During Recovery
Anyone may suffer an ankle sprain at any moment. You wear shoes with higher heels than you are used to. Your foot slips on a sheet of ice. You are jogging and your foot lands on a small uneven surface on the path. Each of these everyday incidents can result in an ankle sprain.
At Pain Therapy Associates, we know that, although common, this type of ankle injury is painful and may take some time until it heals. Our mission is to help you recover and restore the full use of your ankle without having to endure pain. Our doctors specialize in different types of pain management therapies, which we combine according to each patient’s unique needs.
What Are the Different Types of Ankle Sprain?
Sprains are classified in three categories, depending on the degree of damage the ligaments of the joint sustained. In most cases, the foot rolls inwards, resulting in damage to the ligaments to the outer ankle. In rare cases, the ligaments of the inner ankle may be damaged.
As for the prognosis of ankle sprains, in most cases, they will heal completely if the patient follows the doctor’s recommendations. People who practice contact sports may be at risk of suffering a rare form of sprain which injures the ligaments just above the ankle. This type of sprain may cause ankle instability and, thus, the risk of subsequent ankle sprains.
Now, referring to the most common type of ankle sprains, they are categorized as:
Grade 1 – Least Severe
In a grade 1 ankle sprain, the ligaments suffer minimal stretching, but there is no tearing involved. The patient experiences swelling, bruising, and tenderness in the ankle and moderate pain. There is no danger of ankle instability, and the patient can walk with only a little difficulty.
This type of sprain usually heals in one to three weeks, usually by applying the RICE method:
- Rest the injured leg
- Ice the painful area
- Compress the injured joint with an elasticized bandage
- Elevate the leg above the heart level to improve blood flow.
If necessary, our doctors will prescribe non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) to help you manage pain during the recovery process. We also recommend physical therapy to ensure that the joint regains its full range of motion and strength after the sprain.
Grade 2 – Moderately Severe
In this case, the ankle ligaments are partially torn. The patient experiences moderate to intense pain, significant swelling, and bruising. The ankle is partially unstable and pain becomes more intense with walking and weight-bearing.
Patients with a grade 2 ankle sprain will need between three and six weeks to fully heal. During this process, the multidisciplinary team at Pain Therapy Associate recommends a combination of pain medication, manual therapies, and joint injections (if needed).
Grade 3 – Most Severe
Grade 3 sprains involve a full tear of the ligaments, causing severe pain and swelling, tenderness to the simplest touch, and complete loss of function (the patient cannot walk or put weight on the injured ankle). Full recovery may last several months and may involve surgery.
At Pain Therapy Associates, we can help with pain management and recovery. Ankle sprains usually heal in 100% proportion. Our aim is to shorten the recovery period as much as possible and keep you comfortable and pain-free during the process. Find out more about how we can help you in an initial appointment with one of our doctors!
3200 W Higgins Suite 101, Hoffman Estates, IL 60169
847-352-5585 (fax)
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