Why Chronic Pain Requires a Multidisciplinary Approach

Why Chronic Pain Requires a Multidisciplinary Approach

Chronic pain persists beyond the usual period of time for recovery and is either continuous or occurs at various intervals. Doctors agree that any type of pain that lasts for more than 3 to 6 months can be defined as chronic pain.

The causes of chronic pain are multiple. It can be caused by repetitive movements (such as lifting weights, working on an assembly line or on a computer), poor posture or an inflammatory condition, such as arthritis.

Why Is Chronic Pain Different from a Medical Point of View?

Acute pain is the type of pain triggered by sudden trauma: 

  • A fall
  • A cut
  • A sprain
  • A car accident
  • An object falling on a person.

It represents the response of the body as it tries to limit the damage and repair the injured tissue. Once the injury heals, the pain stops. For the duration of the healing period, the patient may manage pain with NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs).

Chronic pain signals a persistent injury that is not healed, such as:

  • Micro-tears in muscle fibers and ligaments
  • Slipped discs and other misalignments in the spine and other joints
  • Pinched nerves that do not work properly
  • Tense muscles are caused by poor posture.

Multidisciplinary Approach Is the Solution for Managing Chronic Pain

At Pain Therapy Associates, we rely on a team with various specializations to treat various types of chronic pain. What we are looking for is the root cause of your pain. In the case of chronic pain, it is not enough to make it go away with drugs. If the underlying cause is left untreated, the pain will return.

To achieve the final goal of healing you, our team relies on:

1. Therapeutic Massages

Specialized massages can help relax the muscles, reduce tension, improve blood flow and reduce inflammation. All these are extremely helpful in healing the underlying cause of chronic pain and allowing you to enjoy a pain-free life.

2. Physical Therapy

People who suffer from chronic pain tend to be less active in order to protect their painful body area from stress and effort. In time, this can lead to weakened muscles, obesity and other health issues.

The physical therapists at Pan Therapy Associates will help you regain your physical fitness and teach you simple exercises you can do at home in order to strengthen your body and improve your mobility.

3. Pain Relief through Carefully Prescribed Medication

Our doctors understand that, while you are undergoing various treatments to heal, you are still in pain. To help you cope with it, we will recommend safe and effective medications, such as NSAIDs, muscle relaxers, and local anesthetics.

Our mission is to heal not only your pain but also its underlying cause and allow you to enjoy your life to the full. If you have been suffering from pain for more than 3 months, you may be suffering from chronic pain. Get in touch with us and schedule an appointment as soon as possible. Call us to schedule your appointment today at 847-353-5511.

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Pain Therapy Associates

    3200 W Higgins Suite 101, Hoffman Estates, IL 60169


    847-352-5585 (fax)


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